Portable Poetry
Prault, Fils
Presso Francesco Storti
Presso Ranieri Prosperi
Printed & sold by H. Herringman, D. Newman, T. Cockerel, S. Heyrick, W. Cadman, S. Loundes, G. Marriot, W. Crook, & C. Smith
Printed and are to be sold by the Book-sellers of London and Westminster
Printed and sold by A. Sowle and J. Lead
Printed and sold by C. Sympson and J. Miller
Printed and sold by D. Edwards
Printed and sold by Dan. Browne and Tho. Axe
Printed and sold by H. and G. Mozley
Printed and sold by J. Bradford
Printed and sold by R. Jackson
Printed and sold by T. Sowle
Printed and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster
Printed by A. Hamilton, jun. And sold by C. Dilly, Poultry ; G. Robinson, Paternoster Row ; T. Cadell, Strand ; T. Lewis, Covent-Garden ; J. Walter, Charing-Cross ; and R. Faulder, New Bond-Street
Printed by and for T. Sherlock
printed by D. L. for Bernard Lintott
Printed by Domenico e Gio. Battista Guerra, fratelli
Printed by E. Flesher for Richard Tonson and Jacob Tonson
Printed by Gio. Domenico Imberti
Printed by H. Meere for C. King in Westminster-Hall and A. Bettesworth in Pater-Noster Row
Printed by Henricus Wetstein