Title The life of Margaret Fox, wife of George Fox : compiled from her own narrative and other sources ; with a selection from her epistles, etc.
Edition 0
Volume 0
Publication Place Philadelphia
Publisher Unknown
Physical Description 112
Illustrations Unknown
Frontispiece Unknown
Translation Description
Worldcat Url https://worldcat.org./oclc/10526102
Transcription No
Physical Locations Earlham College, Lilly Library. George Fox University, Murdoch Library. Peabody Essex Museum. Call number BX7795.F75 A3
Digital Locations
Digital Url
Notes A biography of sorts, compiled from her own narrative, letters and other sources. Some of this work is written in third person about Margaret, but it is included here as it also contains some first person writings, including many personal correspondence. Published Margaret Fell. Unable to locate find a digital version associated with the listed year, but access to an 1859 version is open through HathiTrust. It is not clear whether there is any difference between the 1885 and 1859 listings. Physical copies held by 8 libraries.
Bibliographic Citation
Editorial Notes
Additional Links
Complete No
Updated Most recent update 2021-09-23 15:29:50.