Title Briefe der Ninon de Lenclos / aus d. Franz. von Lothar Schmidt. Mit zehn Radierungen von Karl Walser
Edition 1
Volume 0
Publication Place Frankfurt
Publisher Unknown
Physical Description 269
Illustrations Unknown
Frontispiece Unknown
Translation Description From French to German
Worldcat Url http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/75156107
Transcription No
Physical Locations Deutsche National Bibliotek system number D 89/29602 (Frankfurt) or SA 23292-1173 (Leipzig); University of Passau system number 00/IF 9111 L563 B85.989.
Digital Locations
Digital Url
Notes 1. Title: "Letters of the Ninon de Lenclos / from D. Franz. by Lothar Schmidt. With ten etchings by Karl Walser"; 2. WorldCat note says: "aus d. Franz. von Lothar Schmidt. Mit zehn Radierungen von Karl Walser (from d. Franz. By Lothar Schmidt. With ten etchings by Karl Walser)" as per Google Translator; 3. This book is available in 9 libraries around the world as per WorldCat; 4. Lothar Goldschmidt (the tradutor) changed his name to "Lothar Schmidt". Goldschmidt is a Jewish surname.; 5. Philosophy of Love.
Bibliographic Citation
Editorial Notes
Additional Links
Complete No
Updated Most recent update 2021-09-23 15:29:53.