Title Essays on the pursuits of women : reprinted from Fraser's and Macmillan's magazines ; also, A paper on female education, read before the Social Science Congress, at Guildhall
Edition 0
Volume 0
Publication Place London
Publisher Unknown
Physical Description 239
Illustrations Unknown
Frontispiece Unknown
Translation Description
Dedication Somerville, Mary, the Authoress of "The Connection of the Physical Sciences"; the Foundress of the First Female Reformatory (poss. Carpenter, Mary); Hosmer, Harriet, the Sculptress of "Zenobia";
Worldcat Url http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/4167703
Transcription No
Physical Locations BYU Harold B. Lee Library
Digital Locations Hathitrust Digital Library: images, searchable
Digital Url https://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.39015002327636
Notes Dedicated to "three dear and honoured friends: the authoress of the "the Connection of the Physical Sciences; the Foundress of the First Female Reformatory; and the Sculptress of "Zenobia."" These are Mary Somerville, likely Mary Carpenter, and Harriet Hosmer, respectively. Contains: "Social Sciences Congresses, and Women's Part in Them," "Celibacy vs. Marriage," "What Shall We Do With Our Old Maids?," "Female Charity: Lay and Monastic," "Women in Italy, in 1862," "Workhouse Sketches," and "The Education of Women."Available at 20 libraries.
Bibliographic Citation
Editorial Notes
Additional Links
Complete No
Updated Most recent update 2021-09-23 15:29:56.