Title Briefe der Ninon de Lenclos
Edition 1
Volume 0
Publication Place Munich
Publisher Rogner & Bernhard
Physical Description 282
Illustrations Yes
Frontispiece Unknown
Translation Description From French to German
Worldcat Url https://worldcat.org/oclc/247964819
Transcription No
Physical Locations Bayerische Staats Bibliothek system number 4767173; Staatsbibliothek Bamberg sstem number 013400212623; University of Passau system number 064011287140.
Digital Locations
Digital Url
Notes 1. Karl Walser is the illustrator of the first German piece (1906); 2. Lothar Goldschmidt (the tradutor) changed his name to "Lothar Schmidt". Goldschmidt is a Jewish surname; 3. Kramberg wrote the Afterwods of the book; 4. WorldCat says that the book is available in 7 institutions around the world; 5. Title: "Letters from Ninon de Lenclos"; 6. Philosophy of Love.
Bibliographic Citation
Editorial Notes
Additional Links
Complete No
Updated Most recent update 2021-09-23 15:29:56.