Title Artamenes, or, The Grand Cyrus an excellent new romance / written by that famous wit of France, Monsieur de Scudery ... ; and now Englished by F. G., Gent
Category Book
Volume 1
Publication Place London
Publisher Unknown
Physical Description [4], 155, 208
Illustrations Unknown
Frontispiece Unknown
Translation Description
Dedication The Right Honourable and Most Perfectly Noble, the Lady Anne Lucas. Dedication signed by Hume Moseley.
Worldcat Url http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/4274870
Genre Novels
Transcription No
Physical Locations Newberry Library, Huntington Library. Microforms at UBC, UVic, etc.
Digital Locations EEBO - full text, searchable
Digital Url https://github.com/textcreationpartnership/A70988
Notes 10 parts in 5 volumes. Each volume has a separate title page. "For key to the characters in book, see Drujon. Les livres à clef. Paris, 1888, columns 88-91" (EEBO). "The Stationer to the Reader" is signed by H.M. & preceeds the work.
Bibliographic Citation
Editorial Notes
Additional Links
Complete Yes
Updated Most recent update 2017-11-01 10:49:45.