Title The Female Reader: or Miscellaneous Pieces, in Prose and Verse: Selected from the Best Writers, and Disposed under Proper Heads: for the Improvement of Young Women
Category Book
Publication Place London
Publisher Unknown
Physical Description 394
Illustrations Unknown
Frontispiece No
Translation Description
Worldcat Url http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/504841295
Genre Other
Transcription No
Physical Locations The British Library General Reference Collection 992.e.5.
Digital Locations ECCO - images, fuzzy search
Digital Url
Notes With a final advertisement leaf. Published under pseudonym of "Mr. Cresswick, Teacher of Elocution." Preface signed by "O." Contains narrative pieces, didactic & moral pieces, allegories & pathetic pieces, dialogues, conversations, & fables, descriptive pieces, and devotional pieces & reflections on religious subjects.
Bibliographic Citation
Editorial Notes
Additional Links
Complete Yes
Updated Most recent update 2017-11-01 10:49:47.