Title Author Edition Volume Publisher
Le more a Mademoiselle de Scudery : en luy envoyant pour le roy une onyce antique où la teste d'un more est gravée en relief sur un fonds blanc. de Scudéry, Madeleine
Lettres de messire Roger de Rabutin, comte de Bussy ... : avec les réponses. de Scudéry, Madeleine Paris Florentin Delaulne
Lettres de messire Roger de Rabutin, comte de Bussy ... : avec les réponses. de Scudéry, Madeleine Amsterdam Zacharie Chatelain
Historya Xiązęcia Aryamena Krolewica Perskiego. de Scudéry, Madeleine Warszawa Drukarnia Jezuitów
Les bains des Thermopyles: à la princesse de Milet / par feuë Mademoiselle de Scudéry de Scudéry, Madeleine Paris P. Ribon & P.-J. Ribou
Anecdotes de la Cour d'alphonse, Onzieme Du Nom, Roi de Castille par Madamme de V*** de Scudéry, Madeleine 1 Amsterdam Hochereau
Anecdotes de la Cour d'alphonse Onzieme du Nom, Roi de Castille de Scudéry, Madeleine 2 Paris Hocherau
Anecdotes de la cour. ptie 1-4: d'Alphonse onzieme du nom roi de Castille: par Madame De V*** de Scudéry, Madeleine 1 Amsterdam & Paris Hocherau
Le porte-feuille trouvé, ou Tablettes d'un curieux : contenant quantité de piéces fugitives de Mr. de Voltaire, qui ne sont dans aucune de ses editions. de Scudéry, Madeleine Paris Chez les libraires associés
Le porte-feuille trouvé, ou tablettes d'un curieux, contenant quantité de pièces fugitive de Mr..., qui ne sont dans aucune de ses éditions de Scudéry, Madeleine Geneve Chez les libraires associés
Modeles de lettres sur différents sujets. de Scudéry, Madeleine Bouillon Jean Brasseur
Bibliothèque universelle des romans. de Scudéry, Madeleine Genève Slatkine Reprints
Tablettes des Muses, ou Choix des plus jolies Poésies qui existent dans notre langue. de Scudéry, Madeleine
An essay upon the relation of cause and effect : controverting the doctrine of Mr. Hume, concerning the nature of that relation, with observations upon the opinions of Dr. Brown and Mr. Lawrence connected with the same subject. Shepherd, Mary, Lady London Printed for T. Hookham
Essays on the perception of an external universe, and other subjects connected with the doctrine of causation Shepherd, Mary, Lady London John Hatchard and Son
Observations by Lady Mary Shepherd on the 'First Lines of the Human Mind' Shepherd, Mary, Lady London Henry Colburn
Lady Mary Shepherd's Metaphysics Shepherd, Mary, Lady London Longmans, Green, and co.
Traité de la morale et de la politique divisé en trois parties , sçavoir, la liberté, la science et l'autorité, où l'on voit que les personnes du sexe, pour en être privées, ne laissent pas d'avoir une capacité naturelle, qui les en peut rendre participantes Suchon, Gabrielle Lyon J Certe
Agnes de Castro a tragedy, as it is acted at the Theatre Royal by His Majesty's servants / written by a young lady Trotter, Catharine London H. Rhodes in Fleetstreet, R. Parker at the Royal-Exchange, S. Briscoe, at the Corner of Charles-street, in Russel|street, Covent-Garden,
A letter to Dr. Holdsworth, occasioned by his sermon preached before the University of Oxford: on Easter-Monday, concerning the resurrection of the same body. In which the passages that concern Mr. Lock are chiefly considered. By the author of, A defence of Mr. Lock's Essay of humane understanding; in answer to Some Remarks on that Essay. Trotter, Catharine London Benjamin Motte
Fatal friendship a tragedy, as it is acted at the New-Theatre in Little-Lincolns-Inn-Fields. Trotter, Catharine London Francis Saunders at the Blue Anchor
A defence of the Essay of human understanding, written by Mr. Lock. Wherein its principles with reference to morality, reveal'd religion, and the immortality of the soul, [sic] are consider'd and justify'd: in answer to some remarks on that Essay. Trotter, Catharine London Will. Turner and John Nutt
A discourse concerning a Guide in controversies, in two letters. Written to one of the Church of Rome, by a person lately converted from that communion. Trotter, Catharine London A. and J. Churchill in Pater-Noster-Row
A discourse concerning a Guide in controversies, in two letters. Written to one of the Church of Rome, by a person lately converted from that communion. Trotter, Catharine 2 Edinburgh
A letter to Dr. Holdsworth, occasioned by his sermon preached before the University of Oxford: on Easter-Monday, concerning the resurrection of the same body. In which the passages that concern Mr. Lock are chiefly considered. By the author of, A defence of Mr. Lock's Essay of humane understanding; in answer to Some Remarks on that Essay. Trotter, Catharine London Benjamin Motte