Title Author Edition Volume Publisher
A legacy for young ladies, 1826 : Women Writers Project first electronic edition Barbauld, Anna Laetitia 0 0 Providence, RI Brown University Women Writers Project
Selections from the Spectator, Tatler, Guardian and Freeholder Barbauld, Anna Laetitia 0 2 London Johnson
Hannah More, Slavery, A Poem (London, 1788) More, Hannah 0 0 London Corresponding Society
This was given to Major Generall Harrison and the rest. Fox, Margaret Fell 0 0 London Thomas Simmons, at the Bull and Mouth
There are 25 links listed for ebooks, but none correspond with the actual published date of this edition (i.e., 1801); the links I have access to show publishing dates later than 1801 More, Hannah 0 1 London T. Cadell
The works of Hannah More. A New Edition, with Additions and Corrections, in Eleven Volumes. More, Hannah 0 2 London T. Cadell, Strand
The works of Hannah More. A New Edition, with Additions and Corrections, in Eleven Volumes. More, Hannah 0 3 London T. Cadell, Strand
The works of Hannah More. A New Edition, with Additions and Corrections, in Eleven Volumes. More, Hannah 0 4 London T. Cadell, Strand
The works of Hannah More. A New Edition, with Additions and Corrections, in Eleven Volumes. More, Hannah 0 5 London T. Cadell, Strand
The works of Hannah More. A New Edition, with Additions and Corrections, in Eleven Volumes. More, Hannah 5 6 London T. Cadell, Strand
The works of Hannah More. A New Edition, with Additions and Corrections, in Eleven Volumes. More, Hannah 0 7 London T. Cadell, Strand
The works of Hannah More. A New Edition, with Additions and Corrections, in Eleven Volumes. More, Hannah 0 8 London T. Cadell, Strand
The works of Hannah More. A New Edition, with Additions and Corrections, in Eleven Volumes. More, Hannah 0 9 London T. Cadell, Strand
The works of Hannah More. A New Edition, with Additions and Corrections, in Eleven Volumes. More, Hannah 0 10 London T. Cadell, Strand
The works of Hannah More. A New Edition, with Additions and Corrections, in Eleven Volumes. More, Hannah 0 11 London T. Cadell, Strand
The works of Hannah More. A New Edition, with Additions and Corrections, in Twelve Volumes. More, Hannah 0 12 London T. Cadell, Strand
Concerning ministers made by the will of man. Fox, Margaret Fell 0 0 London M. Westwood
The works of Hannah More. More, Hannah 0 0 London T. Cadell and W. Davies
A testimonie of the touch-stone, for all professions, and all forms, and gathered churches (as they call them) of what sort soever to try their ground and foundation by. And a tryal by the Scriptures, who the false prophets are, which are in the world, which John said should be in the last times by Margret Fell. Also, some of the Ranters principles answered. Fox, Margaret Fell 0 0 London Thomas Simmons, at the sign of the Bull & Mouth neer Aldersgate
The works of Hannah More. More, Hannah 0 0 London T. Cadell, Strand
An evident Demonstration to God Elect, Which clearly manifesteth to them, I. How necessary and expedient it is for them to come to witnesse True Faith. II. That after they have attained to the Faith, it must be tryed as gold is tryed in the fire. III. It shews how many have departed from the Faith and denied it. IV. That the standing of the Saints is by Faith in the Son of God. V. How strong Abraham was in the Faith, and how all that believe are to look unto him. ... Fox, Margaret Fell 0 0 London Thomas Simmons at the signe of the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate
The works of Hannah More. More, Hannah 0 0 London Cadell & Davies
The works of Hannah More. More, Hannah 0 0 London T. Cadell and W. Davies, in the Strand
This is to the clergy who are the men that goes about to settle religion (as they say) according to the Church of England, whether they may be bishops or presbyters, or what name soever they may go under. Fox, Margaret Fell 0 0 London Robert Wilson
The daughter of Sion awakened, and putting on strength : she is arising and shaking her self out of the dust, and putting on beautiful garments Fox, Margaret Fell 0 0 London