Title Author Edition Volume Publisher
Public money : an enquiry concerning an item of its expenditure Cobbe, Frances Power 0 0 London Victoria Street Society for the Protection of Animals from Vivisection, united with the International Association for the Total Suppression of Vivisection
A faithless world Cobbe, Frances Power 0 0 London George Bell and Sons
The duties of women: a course of lectures Cobbe, Frances Power 9 0 London, Boston William & Norgate, G.H. Ellis
The significance of vivisection Cobbe, Frances Power 0 0 London British Union for Abolition of Vivisection (in alliance with the London Anti-vivisection Society)
An institute of preventive medicine at work in France. Cobbe, Frances Power 0 0 London Victoria Street Society for the Protection of Animals from Vivisection.
Health and holiness : an address read to the Cambridge Ladies' Discussion Society, November 6th, 1891 Cobbe, Frances Power 0 0 London George Bell and Sons
An appeal to the humane Jews of England Cobbe, Frances Power 0 0 Hengwrt, Dolgelly Frances Power Cobbe
Sly, and his neighbours : some dogs whom I have met Cobbe, Frances Power 0 0 Chicago Searle & Gorton
The British vivisectors' Directory, a black book for the United Kingdom Bryan, Benjamin 0 0 London Society for the Protection of Animals from Vivisection
Vivisection in America : I. How it is taught -- II. How it is practiced Cobbe, Frances Power 4 0 London Swan Sonnenschein & Co.
Traité de la liberté, de la science et de l'autorité ... Suchon, Gabrielle 0 0 Lyon and Paris R. Pepie
Collected works of Nana Asma'u, daughter of Usman dan Fodiyo, (1793-1864) Asmaʼu, Nana 0 0 East Lansing Michigan State University Press
Traité de la morale et de la politique, 1693 : la liberté Suchon, Gabrielle 0 0 Paris Des Femmes
Collected works of Nana Asma'u, daughter of Usman dan Fodiyo, (1793-1864) Asmaʼu, Nana 0 0 East Lansing Michigan State University Press
Petit traité de la faiblesse, de la légèreté et de l'inconstance qu'on attribue aux femmes mal à propos Suchon, Gabrielle 0 0 Paris Arléa
A woman who defends all the persons of her sex : selected philosophical and moral writings Suchon, Gabrielle 0 0 Chicago University of Chicago Press
A collection of works by Nana Asma'u Bint Shehu Dan Fodio in Arabic, Hausa and Fulfulde Asmaʼu, Nana 0 0 London Hogarth Representation
Gime Nana Asmaa'u e de wobbe Asmaʼu, Nana 0 0 Kano Jaami'aare Baayero
An anthology of the verse of Nana Asmā Ahmed, Aisha 0 0 London University of London
The Arabic writings of Nana Asmāʼ : daughter of Shehu Uthman Dan Fodio Ogunbiyi, Isaac A 0 0 Nigeria publisher not identified
The Arabic writings of Nana Asmāʼ : daughter of Shehu Uthman Dan Fodio Ogunbiyi, Isaac A 0 0 Nigeria publisher not identified
Du celibat volontaire ou La vie sans engagement, tome premier Suchon, Gabrielle 0 0 Paris Jean & Michel Guignard
Du célibat volontaire, ou, La vie sans engagement, 1700 . Tome premier Suchon, Gabrielle 0 0 Paris Indigo & Côte-femmes editions
La contrainte : traité de la morale et de la politique, première partie, deuxième section, 1693 Suchon, Gabrielle 0 0 Paris Indigo & Côte-femmes editions
Nana Asma'u: Poems Asmaʼu, Nana 0 0