Full Name |
Mamp, E. H.
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Created |
2017-01-11, 10:49:43 |
Updated |
2017-01-11, 10:49:43 |
Theologia mystica, or, The mystic divinitie of the aeternal invisibles, viz., the archetypous globe, or the original globe, or world of all globes, worlds, essences, centers, elements, principles and creations whatsoever by a person of qualitie, J.P., M.D.
Author of Preface: Lead, Jane
Author: Pordage, John
Author of Preface: Mamp, E. H.
Editor: Hooker, Edward
Date Issued: 1683
Theologia mystica : oder Geheime und verborgne göttliche Lehre von den ewigen Unsichtbarlichkeiten: als vom Mundo & Globo Archetypo, das ist, vom rechtem Original Welt-Runde ...
Author of Preface: Lead, Jane
Author: Pordage, John
Author of Preface: Mamp, E. H.
Editor: Hooker, Edward
Date Issued: 1698